June 6, 2015

Expect the unexpected

It's hard to believe we have been living on the boat for a year already....a whole year!!!! It really doesn't feel that long!  Even when I tell people, 'I have been living on a boat for a year.' That sentence doesn't seem real to me. It seems like something you would hear someone else say, not something you would actually say yourself!  Geez, I hope this is making sense. 

We absolutely love our life afloat and are planning on purchasing something bigger in the not so distant future! In the meantime we've been planning for the unknown. 

It's hard to plan for anything when you really don't know what's happening from one minute to the next. What am I talking about? Well....

Two weeks ago on a Friday night we stayed up super late....actually it would be more accurate to say we pulled an all-nighter. We had a movie night, which turned into "I'm not really sleepy, let's watch another movie"  and, the next thing we knew, it was five thirty....in the a.m.!!! I was game for just staying awake, but hubs was now tired. So, we set an alarm for 8:30am and went to sleep. I woke up when the alarm went off, but somebody stayed in bed. I made him get up 2 hours later so we could go look at a boat. The boat was okay, but we didn't get the 'our next boat' feeling from it {well hubs did, but me, not so much} so we went and talked to our broker. 

Lots & lots of boat talk later & we were headed back to our boat to do a quick cleaning so another broker could show our boat to one of his clients. Yeah, you read that right! Our boat isn't even technically listed yet and someone wanted to look at it. Yikes! 

Since then we have had two more showings on our boat.....I hope we don't end up homeless. :] However, if the boat does sell before we buy the next one, we are prepared to go a little backwards to go forward {if we have to} and move into an apartment for a short time. 

But in the meantime, we are trying to expect the unexpected, plan for the unknown, live life and save for the future! So basically, what everyone else is doing! :)

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