My 1st prize was this lovely {& might I add, super soft & comfy}shirt from
2nd prize was {something I won for hubs} a fishing/boat tool & tumbler from BoatUS
3rd prize was free, budgeting PDFs from Dave Ramsey
Now, it may not have been the prize money I initially entered for, but I did win a runner-up prize and I am grateful for that! Who knows, after properly budgeting, we might win back some {of our own} money that might have been wasted, had we not been budgeting! Look at me, being all positive and whatnot!! 😳
Moral of the story, er, post? You never know when you're going to, go enter those contests!!!!
Thank-you again to all of the companies listed above!!!!! Happy New Year, indeed! Y'all Rock!!!! 😃
5 days and 3 wins makes for a very good start of the year! ! Congrats! ! Can't wait to see the rest of your year :)