October 30, 2015

Our beautiful boat!!!

I don't know what we're more happy about....to have a boat again, or to be out of the box!! I'm telling you, that box life was not for us, at all! There's a reason why I never took an interior picture of the place, {which is odd for me, because I usually document everything with photos} but this was one area of our life that we don't care to remember. They said when I rented it, that they don't usually recommend our cabin size for couples, because they go in talking and leave not speaking to each other. And though that wasn't the case for us {we're not your typical couple}, we are both extremely happy to be out of there!!!

Now, onto what you're really here for....pictures that you really want to see!!! :)

Remnants of the sunset and our boat, front & center!!

Can I just say how much I love our new to us boat!!! Ain't she a beauty?!? Okay, okay, more pictures.....

Hello there beautiful, walk-thru transom...no more crouching over the side to climb aboard!!

The salon area....

Six foot bigger may not seem that much to everyone, but when you live on a boat....6' makes a world of difference!!!! It's not just longer than our last one, she is also 2' wider! The floor plan is mostly the same as our last boat, but one noticeable difference is the two cabins, complete with real-live doors for actual privacy {when guests come visit}!!

Here's a peek into the aft cabin, where we sleep!

The head {bathroom}....it's so much bigger than our last one, you could spin around in there, if you wanted to....that would be weird, though!! 

The v-berth, where our guests will most likely be sleeping {yes, we'll remove the extra cushions first...probably}! Most of this is usually kept in the cockpit, but when it rains the v-berth becomes the storage area. Let's hope it doesn't rain when you're here visiting!! ;)

And speaking of noticeably different.... My new galley is much more spacious!!! I now have all galley items {food & dishes} actually in the galley, versus stowed in every nook & cranny like on our first Catalina! I didn't waste any time getting back to cooking either! I have been cooking every day & even as I am typing this, the boat is filling up with the aroma of banana bread baking in the oven....man, I've missed my "easy-bake oven"!!!

Friday, we moved the boat into the Marina. Saturday was spent going back & forth to get our things out of storage and by Tuesday we were completely unpacked....{all my cross country living & moving came in handy}! For the last two days I've been decorating & making it look and feel like a home!! We have now been on the boat for exactly a week and all it wants to do is rain, so no sailing just yet....I guess it's time for a movie marathon in a really clean & organized boat!!!

And just in case I missed anything, here's a shot of the floorplan....

After being homeless for two months, we are ecstatic to be back on a boat....our boat!!!!

So, what do you think?!


  1. Love it and LOVE the colors in your kitchen!!! It looks bigger, even in pictures :)

    1. Thanks!! :) It is so much bigger than our 30'....we are so happy with our decision!

    2. As long as u r happy, that's all that matters..yeah😊 have fun❤😉

      PS my alias name is Peter rod AKA : PjWright 😉

    3. Yes! We are very happy!! Thank-you Peggy!!

  2. It looks very cozy!!! What challenges did you face in the cabin?

    1. Thank-you!! No major challenges in the cabin, it was just incredibly small, like the size of a small bedroom, complete with bunk beds! Also, there was no kitchen so I couldn't cook and we had to eat out a lot. But we did eat & we had a roof over our heads, so I am thankful for that! And I'm very thankful we found a boat we love & have a home again!! :)

  3. Gorgeous boat! It's the sort of thing I envision for my husband and I during retirement (except on land in an RV). Hope you have many more happy adventures!

    1. Thank-you!! We love our life afloat and who knows, maybe one day we will be in a RV cruising land!
