January 18, 2016

Our boat is no longer nameless!

Bah badah dam........{clearly, I don't know how to type out a drum roll} but you get the picture! 

And speaking of pictures, here's a picture of our now *named* boat!!!! 

Okay, so we always knew what her name would be, it was just waiting eight frustrating weeks dealing with an unprofessional jerk to finally get the work done. But enough about that idiot {for now} there will be a thorough review somewhere on the Internet to warn others of my experience. [Yes, it was that bad!] Anways,  I think the quality of the graphics turned out really well!!! And if we could've dealt solely with the girl that actually installed it, we would've had a lot better experience....moving on, before my heart rate increases anymore! :/

This photo really shows how badly we need to wash the boat....try not to look too hard at that! :)

Yes, we stayed with the same name as our old boat {I hear the new owner is changing the name anyways (yay!)}. So, we'll be the only Irie again, at least at our marina. I'm sure there's another boat named Irie, somewhere out there. 

We went through numerous name ideas, but kept coming back to 'No Worries' {which is what Irie means}. We thought about actually naming her No Worries and then we thought about putting it in Afrikans because I grew up in South Africa. But the constant pronunciation assistance would be a pain... or we could go with Hakuna Matata, but everyone would've thought we had a weird fascination to The Lion King. So, that brought us back to No Worries or Irie.  Then my brother said, "you need a name that means something special to y'all." 

Our life afloat began in Kemah, TX on a boat named Irie and we have done our best to incorporate and live a 'no worries' lifestyle ever since. It wasn't hard to then decide that we would name this boat Irie as well and have our port of call be Kemah, Texas. 

Here's a closeup of the palm trees decal,  
I really like how well they turned out!! I wasn't so sure {at first} about the vines hanging down and wrapping around the trees, but it looks great on the boat!! 

So, there she is....what do you think? 


  1. Love it! ! And live the story that goes with it :)

  2. Love it! ! And live the story that goes with it :)

  3. The palm trees look great! Must be nice to see the name and hailing port on her now. Cheers - ellen

    1. Thank-you, Ellen!! Yes, it's great to finally have the name done....another thing to check off the to do list!
