March 23, 2015

A porthole view

What's it like living on a boat, with it always moving? Does it make you sick, do you get seasick?

Well, seeing as we haven't actually been out in deep seas for longer than a few hours and 7 foot isn't considered "deep water", I have no idea if either of us do/will get seasick.

What I do know is, it can be quite peaceful.....when tied to the dock! 

Let me give you a brief glimpse into our world. Close your eyes {well, not if you're driving. but if you're driving, you shouldn't be reading this right now, anyways. It can wait until you get where you're going} Where were we? Oh yeah, close your eyes and just breathe. Try to imagine a light, swaying motion....actually, a hammock with a light breeze might be just the ticket to understanding what it's like for us on the boat! 

Now imagine doing all of your daily chores while standing in a hammock. That's life on a boat, always moving....and even more so when you're out sailing or at anchor! At least my balance is getting better....well, most of the time, anyways! :)

Ahh, this is the life!!!! :)

We were given a hammock for the sailboat but hubs has yet to hang it..... I think he's waiting for the next {bigger} boat, but I want my hammock put up! Maybe if I go out there with a hammer and nails he'll get scared and get the job done! ;)

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