September 14, 2014

Beauty tips......for the ladies!

Here is the fastest & easiest way to shave your legs....on a boat{or on land}.....I refuse to answer {on grounds that may incriminate me} exactly how I came to know this! ;) 

But, here's what you need:
leave-in hair conditioner
a small towel 
and a razor{preferably, your husbands'.....I don't know why, but they seem to work the best ;) ;)
Oh, and a well lit cockpit....wait, did I say cockpit?? I meant bathroom...or did I? :/

Now, for the shaving:

Spray a small section of your leg with the leave-in conditioner, rub it in a bit and shave! 

No running water to rinse the razor off?!? problem, that's what the towel is for!! Slide the razor side-ways on the towel to remove gunk and repeat above process until your legs are all smooth!

That's it!! :)

If I were to venture a guess, I'd say it [would have] taken me longer to write this post than it did to shave my legs....and I've got some long legs! But that's just me guessing....or is it?!? :)

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