March 7, 2016

Another sewing post

I am by no means a professional sewer, but I can usually get the job done, if I really want to. Up until now, the job has mostly been pillows and a few hooded towels for baby gifts.

I have sorta a love/hate relationship to sewing. It's not so much the sewing that I struggle with {although, there are some days I want to strap dynamite to the machine and throw it overboard} rather, it's all the prep work of measuring and cutting out material. If you feel the same way I do, let me suggest to you how I overcame my sewing challenges. 

First & foremost, if you have been using scissors to cut your fabric. Stop it! No seriously. I have always most always enjoyed sewing, but I loathed all the measuring and cutting, so much so that it would deter me from making whatever project I was working on. I would rather wash dishes than cut fabric with scissors. Ugh!

I got a couple gift cards for Christmas so I decided I to buy myself a rotary cutter and mat. Best sewing decision I ever made! 

I bought the material on a whim! I didn't have any projects going at the time, but it was cute and nautical and on sale, so I just got it and thought I'd figure out what to do with it later....that's the kinda sewer I am!! We had some leftover memory foam from our vberth mattress making, so I cut it into a couple squares and two smaller rectangles and thought I'd make some cushion/pillows from it. 

Ahh! That's how I'll use that material!!

Cutting out the material went by quickly and then it was time to start sewing! 

Again, they're not perfect, but I think they turned out pretty good, especially since it was my first time sewing box-style pillows and adding in zippers! 

We have three of these lower windows that I wanted to cover for a little privacy. And I'm sure the neighbors are happy to not have to see us eating dinner & watching tv every night. 

I used up the remaining fabric and made of few window visors. I cut up a car windshield visor and sandwiched it between the two fabrics, so each one is reversible! 

Now, that I've successfully learned how to sew in a zipper, I'll feel like I might be able to accomplish something bigger. I think it's time I attempt to turn this into a quilt....

Wish me luck!!! :)

**If, like me, you are nervous about sewing something with a zipper, check out this simple how-to video! I found it super helpful!!


  1. Thanks for the zipper video link. I've never sewn one in before, but have been wanting to try it! Your projects looks great - cute fabric! Cheers - Ellen

  2. Ellen - I was so nervous about sewing in a zipper, but it was actually quite simple! I still need a lot of practice, but I was happy with how they turned out, even with the added character of my mistakes! :)
