December 23, 2014

Coastal Christmas

Wishing you a very Merry coastal Christmas from our hearts to yours!!! 

This is the first year we weren't home for Christmas. It's a little sad, but I keep reminding myself, we chose this new life and we won't always get to be at each family function. Of course, telling myself this, still doesn't make it any easier, but I'm trying to keep a positive attitude {for those of you who really know me, even typing such a positive sentence was hard for me}. :)  And yes, I'm already vowing to not miss Christmas next year!!! Whatever it takes! 

We are thankful to have such great family that not only will buy us gifts, but also pay for shipping to send it our way!! ;)

Don't feel too terribly bad for us, though! The liveaboards here at our marina, all got together and we enjoyed a wonderful potluck Christmas dinner!!! 

Merry Christmas to all.....and to all, a goodnight! :)

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