January 20, 2015

Maintenance Day/Day Dreaming

           love these cotton candy skies!!!!!

The last couple of days have finally been warm enough to wear shorts and a T-shirt {oh happy day!}. I am a 100% summer girl! Growing up in warm, sunny, sub-tropical year round, South Africa will do that to you! :) 

Yesterday, was a day chocked full of maintenance and cleaning. It's a necessary evil. =} We cleaned the boat, did laundry, cleaned out the Yeti to sell it & then decided to keep it, ;) and re-filled the water tanks. Basically, it was chore day, but what made it not feel like work was the warmer weather! 

Life on a boat is not all fun and games, ok, most of time it is, but it's hard work too....sometimes. 

It would have been nice to go out on the boat today, but there is no wind whatsoever. There is always good wind when Joe has to work and then no wind on his weekend. It's a conspiracy, I tell you!!! ;) 

So, for now we sit outside and enjoy the clean boat and sunshine and dream about moving south....I'm thinking Florida. Warmer winters and prettier waters!

This is us in Destin, Florida a few years ago! 

And then, there's beautiful Miami Beach....I mean, look at that water color!!! 

Yep, I've decided. We need to move to Florida!! What do you think??

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